
“a wonderful series of talks” - Thomas Chatterton Williams,  Contributing writer, The Atlantic; Professor of Humanities at Bard College

“I enjoyed and learned from this well-organized conference in the UK” - Glenn Loury,  Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences, Brown University 

“Wonderful and inspiring gathering” - Ian Leslie, author of  Conflicted: Why Arguments Are Tearing Us Apart and How They Can Bring Us Together.

“really rich and stimulating discussion” - Sonia Sodha, Chief leader writer and columnist, The Observer

“The Towards the Common Good conference was a vital and rich experience to attend and speak at. It demonstrates that the conversation on race in Britain and America is moving to a more nuanced place - which is exactly where it needs to be.” - Tomiwa Owolade, Contributing writer, New Statesman

“two days of open-minded, engaging, and thought-provoking debate on rethinking racism - an urgent topic.” - Luke Pepera, author of Motherland: 500,000 Years of African History, Cultures, and Identity (2024)

“It was an honor to participate”- David Bernstein, Founder of Jewish Institute for Liberal Values

“Equiano project organised a fantastic conference that had everything a good debate needs: insightful observations, questions and the positive ferment of constructive disagreement.” - Remi Adekoya, Associate Lecturer on Politics, University of York

“one of the most stimulating [conferences] I've ever been to.” - Stephen Pollard, Editor-at-Large, The Jewish Chronicle 

“stellar lineup of thinkers crafting empowering alternatives to so-called “anti-racist” ideology. Let’s actually cultivate Agency & racial equality of opportunity”Ian Rowe, Senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute

“A clear and emphatic repudiation of lazy and monolithic thinking about race, equality and freedom” - Jacob Mchangama, CEO, Justitia

“A game-changer.” Jan MacVarish, Events and Education Director, Free Speech Union 

“refreshing and thought-provoking” - David Smith, Chief Executive, Oasis Community Housing

“stimulating and energising” - Simon Fanshawe OBE, Co-founder, Diversity by Design

“The Equiano Project continues to lead the conversation on equality, race and identity. Its work is critical to growing the space to protect liberal values in our multi-racial democracy and will only grow in importance as we move forward” - Doug Stokes, Professor of International Relations, University of Exeter

“The Equiano Project enabled a true, uninhibited space for discussion in its 2-day conference. I was reminded to have confidence in my beliefs, to resist the narrative of pessimism, and to defend the power of individuals to reshape their circumstances and to thrive against all odds" - Paola Romero, PhD research candidate in Political Theory in the Department of Government, LSE

“This was excellent. Fine speakers; brilliantly organised; perfect format” - Damian Counsell, blogger

“gathering of the very best minds on the subject” - Naï Zakharia, PhD in Polar Studies, University of Cambridge

“Superb event” - Rob Henderson,  PhD student in Psychology and Gates Scholar, University of Cambridge